Developing Economic Models for HTA, Payer and Provider Stakeholders
It is becoming increasingly important to demonstrate cost and comparative effectiveness of medical technologies to payer and provider stakeholders. To understand and develop robust cost effectiveness models, Novel Health team recently attended a live presentation by NICE and interviewed various industry executives and stakeholders. Join us for a live webinar for discussion on the following topics:
What are NICE and other HTA organizations thinking about use of models for medical technologies?
Key takeaways from recent NICE presentation
Choosing the type of models to demonstrate long term outcomes and cost effectiveness of your products?
What type of data are payers most interested in?
Types of models: cost effectiveness model, budget impact model, cost consequence model
How to develop budget impact model and cost effectiveness models which are interactive and accepted by payers and providers? Importance of hospital and provider stakeholders in purchasing decision making?
Lessons learned from Novel Health's budget impact model and cost effectiveness model case studies from the US, UK, Portugal and other markets
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Note: Due to proprietary data analyses in this webinar this presentation can be requested only for in-person live replay